Boomstick Bill


WASD to move
Q to throw dynamite
Left-click to shoot boomstick

How to play

  • Collect all coins and reach the saloon to complete the level
  • Blow yourself up with the dynamite to gain momentum
  • Try out different combos like jump + dynamite + shoot
  • Dynamite can explode early if shot
  • You are scored on your time to complete the level + resources used


Everything except the sounds and music is made by me.
Thanks to my friend for letting me use his music.
All sound effects are from pixabay but edited by me to fit the game.

Known issues

  • The scoring isn't balanced
  • Boomstick shoots past the surface if aimed inside of it


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The game is very well! combine explosion and jump is very fun, but I don't catch the theme of jam


Hello, the theme ended up being a bit far fetched. The idea was that you needed to use as little resources as possible and satisfying the less is more theme that way. 

Thanks for playing!


It says the game needs sharedArraybuffer

If I'm not mistaken, this could be because chrome doesn't work with the new Godot 4 way of doing things. Try fire fox if you can, I will write something in the description as well.